Welcome to my collection. If you are on a PC or a tablet, on the right you will see a list of all my houses. Click on each one to see pictures. I often move furniture and accessories around, so I try to keep the photos up to date. In a few cases you will see older photos after the latest.

Saturday, March 9, 2019


The kitchen is probably my favorite room in my dollhouses - so here they are, all in one place!  If you'd like to see the rest of each house, you can find a link on the right where all my houses are listed.

 My oldest Hanse kichen in my 1960s Hanse house.

 I don't have the matching refrigerator for this kitchen, but I altered one that was missing the handle anyway.  The wood is darker, though.  In my 1950s Hanse.

The backsplash on this Hanse kitchen matches the original wallpaper.  The appliances are a dark green. Unfortunately I'm missing a dishwasher door, and the oven door is strangely enough installed in the dishwasher.  This kitchen is all one piece apart from the refrigerator.  In my 1980s Hanse.

 This Hanse kitchen is similar to the one above, but it's in two parts plus refrigerator, the appliances are orange and the cabinet handles are different. Here again, the dishwasher door is missing.  Now in my 1970s Hanse, but I only just put it there, so there are no pictures of it on that post.

This Hanse kitchen has darker wood cabinets and white trim - a really beautiful kitchen.  In my 1975 Hanse.

This is a little economy kitchen from Hanse, without any wall cabinets.

 The dark orange Lundby kitchen, not easy to find.  I'm still missing chairs and the drawer unit, but I like the wooden chairs with the orange.  In my 1957 Lundby.

 The most common of the older Lundby kitchens.  I recently got the hood. In my 1960 Lundby.

 A Lundby kitchen I altered (with self-adhesive wood grain vinyl) to fit with my Sallingboe furniture.  In my 1969 Lundby.

 Another hard-to find Lundby kitchen in Lime green. Still missing some chairs, but I quite like the red and green contrast.  In my 1963 Brio Alphyddan.

The turquoise Lundby kitchen.  Not currently installed in a house, but I used to have it in my 1970s Hanse. I made the wall cabinet myself using a defective sink unit.

The most common Lundby kitchen, the one from my childhood in the house my dad built for me. In "My dad's Lundby copy".

I'm rearranging some houses so I've just put this Lundby kitchen in my 1977 Lundby Stockholm.  No pictures of it in that post.

This kitchen used to be in my 1977 Lundby Stockholm, but I'm doing a house with things that remind me of my childhood home, which is why I altered this Lundby kitchen in the first place - our cabinets were that color.  We had chairs very similar to these Brio chairs, and I've altered a Lundby table to look like one my dad built for our kitchen.

 The oldest Lisa kitchen.  In my 1975 Lisa.

The green Lisa kitchen.  I just put it in my 1984 Lisa Chalet.

My favorite Lisa kitchen with sliding cabinet doors.  Now in my 1980s Hanse.

The red version of the Lisa kitchen, which also came in green and white.  In my 1975 Lisa.

The white Lisa kitchen.  In my 1986 Lisa.

Tomy kitchen in my Tomy dollhouse.

Brio kitchen (with a green Lundby wall cabinet) in my 1974 Brio.

This kitchen is a mix of Lundby, Lerro and Lisa.  In my 1960s Lisa economy.


  1. what a great collection! Great photos too.

    1. Thank you so much - I'm glad you like it!


  2. Wow these photos are lovely. Each setting is nice. You have a good quality camera. I have just started a Lundby doll and doll house blog which is what I have wanted to do since 2016. The address is kclundbydolls.blogspot.com you may like to visit and add a comment. Thanks, Karen
